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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Baked apricots to fine herbs

The Dessert of Jordi Roca



8 apricots
100 gr of butter
50 gr honey
100 gr of sugar
Aromatic herbs (rosemary, thyme, hierbaluisa, hyssop, laurel ...) to taste
For the granita:
500 gr of apricot pulp
100 gr of sugar
50 gr of apricot liqueur
2 sheets of gelatin


In a casserole or baking pan, we mix the  apricots with sugar, butter, honey and aromatic herbs. Bake at 160 ° C for 20 minutes. Set aside.
Prepare the granita  in a saucepan by heating  100 gr of apricot pulp and the  sugar.
When it begins to boil, remove from the fire and stir in  the gelatin (previously saturated with cold water).
Add in the remaining pulp and apricot liqueur.Store in the freezer
We serve 2 or 3 apricots (according to size) in a dessert dish accompanied by the granita.

A good trick
for the apricots to be tender when baked choose fruit that is fully ripe

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